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some things ´bout me
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That´s me and my Storie^^

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to be continued...

This is a storie for ma friend Isoran who plays Rappelz...


City of the Lost Snow

>>Snow, white and beautiful, but yet it was known as the bad Omen of “the Witch”. For ages and centuries people were remembering the day of Horror called Christmas. It was the 24th of December, the day of the blood curse, the day of the witch burning, the day of the beginning, the beginning of the end. Destruction and hopelessness are claimed to become truth if the last witch called Pandora will open her eyes in the city of the lost snow. But once the time comes for the resurrection of the witch clan, an anti-hero raised of the insanity of the world enters the stage of life and fate begins to change again. Only then the lost snow returns to the world, covering the living in the peaceful white of the real Christmas Eve.<<

A cold breeze blew over the lonely wasteland of Lake Messi, as a solitary man walked over the dead ground of the parched lake. The sand crunched under his black and heavy boots and the wind lugged on his dark cape. With a sigh he knelt down, touching the last remains of a withered plant with his gloved hands. The romantic side of the scene was gone long ago, gone with the snow and now lost in the depths of oblivion. But for him, it was charming to see the place all dried up and wasted away.
His yellow eyes flashed in amusement out of the dark holes of his screwy looking crow mask. With a laugh of insanity he raised to his feet, dusting down the dirt of his ancient looking trousers and his light vest. But suddenly a faint sound made him freeze in his movement. His breath slowed down and his whole body was strained. Only the twitching of his fingertips displayed a slight feeling of pleasant anticipation.
With a quick hand movement he grabbed his long black staff, with the forked flashing ornament on it, which only the Clan of the Chaos Mages could utilize.
He didn’t need to look behind him to know his opponent. A shuffling sound in this area could only come from one disgusting creation; this sickening smell, shredded skin and bloody rotten flesh hanging in shreds from beamless bones. A poor living soul that couldn’t handle its own death, now doomed to live a life of meaninglessness, a dead and brainless body that couldn’t savor the feeling of killing.
Little crinkles of a smirk were visible around his eyes as he turned around to stab the poor thing with the tip of his staff in the chest. Coagulated blood crawled out of the fatal injury but he thrust his weapon deeper to enjoy the last screams of pain.
It became silent again.
The man pulled his rod out of the corpse and rubbed it with the hemline of his cape until the last drop of blood vanished. He stared amused at the red line on the ground till a clapping sound broke through his thoughts.
A beautiful yet frightening looking woman stepped gracefully over the remains of the bunch of bones, applauding the murderer for his unique way of killing.
“You´re a nasty little boy, aren’t you, Isoran?” She spoke to him with a angelic voice, curling a strand of her golden hair with the tip of her slim fingers, looking with her blue eyes directly in his.
“You know what I am. So don´t waste my time and get to the point!”, he answered harshly, and folded his arms.
She suddenly giggled and laid her hands on his shoulders pressing her body more onto his.
“Don’t be so cold to me. We’ve been separated a long time, hon.”

to be continued....

please if ya red it, could you give me some kommis?




Natla - Händler
Die Natla sind alte Nachtwesen aus Narubia, die vom Handel leben. Es ist die einzige Rasse, die mit allen anderen Rassen in Frieden lebt. Natla haben eine maximale Laufzeitbegrenzung von 30 Sekunden pro Feld, egal wieviele Items sie bei sich tragen.

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